Wednesday Evening Bible Study

7:00-8:30 pm via Zoom

Current Schedule

Unit 2: Non-Davidic Psalms

Lesson 13  | The Refuge of God’s Presence
August 28  | Psalm 91:1-16

Unit 1: Key Characters in Exodus through Deuteronomy

Lesson 1
September 4
Pharaohs Persecute Israel
Exodus 1:1 through 2:25

Lesson 2
September 11
Another Pharaoh Opposes Israel
Exodus 5:1 through 12:51

Lesson 3
September 18
Jethro: Moses’ Counselor and Father-in-Law
Exodus 2:11–22; 3:1–10; 4:18–20; 18:1–27

Lesson 4
September 25
Aaron: The First Priest of Israel
Exodus 28:1–5; 32:1–35; Leviticus 8:1 through 9:24; Numbers 17:1–11

Lesson 5
October 2
Leaders Who Rebelled against God
Numbers 13:1 through 14:45

Lesson 6
October 9
Joshua’s Spiritual Development for Leadership
Exodus 33:7–11; Numbers 11:1–35; 27:12–23; Deuteronomy 31:14–29

Lesson 7
October 16
Balaam Cannot Curse Israel
Numbers 22:1–6; 23:1 through 24:13

Unit 2: Godly Women in Scripture

Lesson 8
October 23
Sarah: Mother of Israel
Genesis 12:1–9; 17:15–19; 18:9–15; Hebrews 11:11–12; 1 Peter 3:1–6

Lesson 9
October 30
Deborah: Prophet and Judge
Judges 4:1 through 5:31

Lesson 10
November 6
Naomi: Bereaved and Blessed
Ruth 1:1 through 4:22

Lesson 11
November 13
Hannah: Devoted to God
1 Samuel 1:1 through 2:11

Lesson 12
November 20
Mary: Humble Mother of Jesus
Genesis 3:14–15; Isaiah 7:10–14; Luke 1:26–38, 46–55; 2:1–21

Lesson 13
November 27
Dorcas, Lydia, and Phoebe: Faithful Servants
Acts 9:36–43; 16:9–40; Romans 16:1–2


For questions please email Pastor Mark Sharnick at